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Terms of Use

Terms of Use

Last updated: 10/02/2024

Welcome to's Terms of Use. Thank you for choosing to use its services, I am truly excited to have you aboard! 

Below I have listed important information that apply to anyone who visits our website or uses Best You with Jami's services. These terms are necessary in order to protect both you and I, and to make services possible and more enjoyable for everyone. 

1.0 - Introduction

1.1 - Best You with Jami's Purpose 

Best You with Jami is designed to help, advise and support its users to realise their existing beauty, whilst working to become a better version of themselves. Using exercise to empower them to realise their self-worth and raise their confidence. To create a more loving and respectful relationship with nutrition and exercise, that focuses on both physical development and internal growth.
Best You with Jami is centred around its clients needs and goals. With it's programme designed around how I can best support them to achieving what their "Best You" looks like, with exercise becoming part of their lifestyle and making more informed food choices that will be able to be applied beyond the Best You with Jami programme. 

1.2 - Your agreement to our services Terms and Conditions

You may visit and/or use the Best You with Jami Services and/or website only if you fully agree to its outlined Terms and Condition s, Privacy Policy and Terms of Use, and by using and/or registering to any of Best You with Jami Services, you signify and affirm your informed consent to these Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, and Terms of Use applicable to your use of any Best You with Jami Services. If you do not read, fully understand and agree to any of theses, you must immediately leave the Website and avoid or discontinue all use of the Best You with Jami's Services.

By using our Services, you acknowledge that you have read our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use available at 

1.3 - User Account and Passwords

I strongly encourage you to keep your log-in credentials of your User Account and passwords confidential. Any information that may be accessed through you will be solely and fully responsible for all activities that occur under your User Account and/or User Platforms, whether or not specifically authorized by you, and for any damages, expenses or losses that may result from such activities.

All information and content included through access of these passwords and its passwords themselves, should not be shared or replicated in any way. All information is subject to copyright and All Rights Are Reserved with Best You with Jami.

You must provide accurate and complete information when registering your User Account and using Best You with Jami Services. All Personal Information, such as, but not limited to, your address, should be your own information, with any Personal Information disclosed including any other person's to be informed and given written consent prior to being included on any Best You with Jami services. 

It is of great importance to your safety and health that all information provided is true and accurate as possible. Best You with Jami will be providing physical activity based upon your disclosed health and fitness information provided to Best You with Jami. Any information that may be incorrect or false could lead to incorrect services and/or advice provided to you, under the false information provided by yourself. It is your responsibility to provide true and accurate information and to disclose any changes in your health, any injuries or anything that may effect your safety or your suitability to physical activity as soon as possible. This should be done via email at Whilst awaiting an emailed response, all exercise/physical activity should cease immediately.


If it is believed or suspected that false information is provided in any documentations or Personal Information, or validity of the identity of the account ownership or user, Best You with Jami has the right to suspend your account and its services. Best You with Jami may require to investigate this matter, which may include proof of identity in the form of Photographic Identification and Proof of Address, to verify its users identity, if services are to be resumed. 

2.0 - Your Obligations and Requirements

2.1 - You understand and agree that:

  1.  You are aged 18 years and over.

  2. All information disclosed is identifiable to your true identity and is as accurate as possible. 

  3. You understand the risks involved in starting a new physical activity / exercise plan and that these risks have been fully explained to you prior to starting your Best You with Jami programme.

  4. To practice safe and effective exercise as instructed by Best You with Jami.

  5. That you understand that you are responsible for any activities or exercises or physical activities that may occur outside your Best You with Jami programme and any injuries that may result in this deviation. 

  6. That by using this site and any Best You with Jami services, you understand and accept all information detailed in its Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

  7. That you are not to replicate, publish, duplicate or allow access to any other persons or third party to any of Best You with Jami's content or services.

  8. That you are aware that all of Best You with Jami's services, information and products are subject to Copyright and all of its right are reserved to Best You with Jami. ​

  9. By taking part in the Best You with Jami's programme, results will be partly dependent upon your commitment, compliance and effort provided in the programme. It is my service to coach you as best as I can, but a big element of its success in its results, is within your responsibility. By proceeding with this programme, you understand and accept this responsibility and its effect upon its success and results, and that you understand my professional role. 

  10. It will not be acceptable or tolerated to submit, transmit or display any User Content, or use Licensed Content in a context, which may be deemed as defamatory, obscene, harassing, threatening, incendiary, abusive, racist, offensive, deceptive or fraudulent, encouraging criminal or harmful conduct, or which otherwise violates the rights of Best You with Jami.

  11. Whilst using any of Best You with Jami services including its Community Facebook Page or/and other external resources, you agree to keep any information disclosed by others confidential and understand that this is a "Safe Space" for its Users to provide/disclose potentially sensitive and private information. This information is not to be shared with anyone. Bullying in any form will not be accepted, and by doing so, you will be restricted to using any of Best You with Jami's services and Best You with Jami has the authority to suspend/cancel your services with us. 

  12. It will not be tolerated to act or behave in a manner that may be damaging to Best You with Jami's reputation.

  13. You agree to use Best You with Jami's services as described and stated in its website and that is also stated in its Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

  14. You will not hack or cause disruption or harm of any kind to any of Best You with Jami's services and website


By participating or using any of Best You with Jami's services, including the Best You with Jami 12 week Programme, you agree to all of the Obligations listed above in 2.0 - You understand and agree that: section of the Terms of Use policy, and that non-compliance to any of these conditions may result in immediate termination of its services provided to you, without refunds of any moneys that may have been paid by you. 

3.0 - Privacy 

3.1 - Privacy

Your privacy is very important to Best You with Jami. Any information that is provided will be stored securely and kept confidential. For more information regarding this please read our Privacy Policy which can be accessed at

4.0 - Service Fees and Refunds

4.1 - Service fees

Payments are made in full in advance of your 12 week programme. This is due to a number of reasons including the costs and time involved in creating a tailored programme to your individual needs. Also, by paying in advance it is helpful to making that commitment to yourself to see the programme through. Price's are non-negotiable. Payment is usually taken following the video consultation, under no obligation, to which you will be provided with your passwords to access your personal online portal. Prices may change at anytime without notice.



4.2 - Refunds

 Refunds will only be issued if a doctor or medical professional provides written information to state that you are medically unable to participate in physical activity, and that this is new long-term issue that will not resolve after a short duration of time or that cannot continue in physical activity after a brief period of recovery, rest or treatment. All refunds should be made within the first two weeks of starting the programme. All refunds will be made under Best You with Jami's discretion. Any refunds that will be issued will be subject to deductions of any costs incurred to Best You with Jami, including the cost and postage of the Best You with Jami journal, the consideration, time and effort taken to create a exercise plan and nutritional advice tailored to your individual needs, other products that may be sent to you and anything else that may apply. 

If for any reasons or unforeseen circumstances, you experience any significant disruption of your services that is not able to be resolved in a brief period of time or that the programme becomes temporarily on hold or cancelled, a full refund will be offered to you within 14 working days or you may be offered an opportunity to resume your programme at a discounted or reduced price. This will depend upon the circumstances and complexity surrounding the disruption.

4.3 - Invoices / Proof of Purchase

Invoices and Proof of Purchases will be sent directly to your email address and so will any refunds or money that may be made payable to you.

For any questions you may have or for further information regarding any of Best You with Jami's service fees or refunds, please contact me at and I will be happy to discuss this further or answer any questions that you may have. 


5.0 - Indemnity

5.1 -  If Best You with Jami results in any legal action or are otherwise placed in harm’s way due to a violation to any of the Terms or Use, Policies or Best You with Jami's Terms, made by its users, they will be held responsible for any of the associated costs and damages that may incur.

6.0 -  Changes to the Terms of Use

Best You with Jami may change or update any information listed in its Terms of Use or Privacy Policy at anytime. 

7.0 - More Information

If you require more information regarding any of the information included in the Terms of Use please contact me at where I will be happy to assist you further.

Copyright © 2022, Best You with Jami. All rights reserved

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